VR Development Framework
v 1.0.0
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Namespaces | Classes
Package AVR.Core

Namespace of the arc-vr-core package More...


package  Attributes
 Contains C#-Attributes for various uses.
package  Utils
 Collection of generally useful functions.


class  AVR_BasicDevConsoleUI
 A rudimentary UI version of the AVR_DevConsole. If you wish to implement a better one, take a look at AVR_DevConsoleMirror. More...
class  AVR_Behaviour
 Monobehaviour but with an added URL button to a documentation page. More...
class  AVR_CameraFade
 Will fade-in / fade-out the screen to a given color on command. NOTE: The color will only be faded for the main camera (Camera.main). If you want it to run for all cameras or different ones, inherit from this object and adjust the OnPostRenderCallback function. More...
class  AVR_Component
 Base class for all arc-vr components. A component is typically a Monobehaviour that represents a virtual device, feature-provider or module. More...
class  AVR_Controller
 Represents a VR controller. Provides functionality for spacial tracking and haptic feedback. Can also be used to represent hardware trackers, game controllers or other references. More...
class  AVR_ControllerComponent
 AVR_Component specifically attatched to an AVR_Controller. Needs to have an AVR_Controller on this gameObject or one of its parents. More...
class  AVR_ControllerInputManager
 Manages inputs of a controller such as button presses and track-pad inputs. More...
class  AVR_ControllerVisual
 Represents a visual of a controller, such as a 3d model or sprite. More...
class  AVR_Core_ConsoleCommands
 Declares a set of base DevConsole commands. More...
class  AVR_DevConsole
 Class for the arc-vr developer's console. Functions as a singleton with only static members. Multiple independent consoles per scene/instance is not possible. More...
class  AVR_DevConsoleMirror
 Mirrors the output of the DevConsole onto a Text component. To use, simply assign "DevConsoleOutput" to a Text Component that represents the output-terminal. Assign "DevConsoleInput" to an inputfield representing the user input. To submit a command, the user may use the keybinding specified as the /settings/core/devConsole/submitConsoleKey setting. More...
class  AVR_Effect
 Represents a generic effect, such as fading a color on a camera. More...
class  AVR_GenericXRDevice
 Represents some spatially tracked XR device. Provides functionality for spacial tracking. Can be used to represent hardware trackers, game controllers or other references. More...
class  AVR_Logger
 Generic datalogger that logs any given variables or object properties in a csv-like format. More...
class  AVR_PlayerRig
 Represents the players VR setup. Only one instance at a time is allowed. More...
class  AVR_Ray
 Base class for a ray. A ray is always cast in transform.forward direction of the object it is attatched to. Rays of this type do not collide with any objects and pass through everything. Use AVR_SolidRay if collisions are required. More...
class  AVR_Root
 Root object of the arc-vr-core library. Functions as a Singleton. More...
class  AVR_Settings
 Contains constan values, settings etc. which can all be set through *.avr files. Duplicate settings will be overwritten in alphabetical order of the filename. More...
class  AVR_SettingsParser
 Parser used to parse setting-files. More...
class  AVR_SingletonComponent< T >
 Combination of AVR_Component with a singleton. More...
class  AVR_SolidRay
 A more advanced type of AVR_Ray. The ray can be used to get the first object hit by it. To limit collidable objects by certain types, use AVR_SolidRay.passThrough_layerMask. More...
class  AVR_TrialExperiment
 Base class to inherit from in order to create trial-based experiments. (One experiment consists of one or more trials.) More...
class  SettingsTreeNode
 Class representing a node from a settings-tree returned by AVR_Settings.build_tree() More...
class  Singleton< T >
 Basic class for Singleton classes. Sets a single, static instance of the class to the "Instance" property. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the arc-vr-core package