▼CAttribute | |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.ConsoleCommand | This attribute can be used to easily make a function into a command runnable through the AVR_DevConsole. This can only be used on static void-functions where the parameters are eithe none, a single string or an array of strings. Usage examples: |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.DocumentationUrl | Sets the documentation html file inside of Packages/com.avr.core/Documentation/html of a given class. When the user clicks on the documentation button in the inspector the respective page will be opened. Example: |
CAVR.Core.AVR_DevConsole.AVR_ConsoleCommand | Represents a command for the AVR_Devconsole |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Core_ConsoleCommands | Declares a set of base DevConsole commands. |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Core_MenuItems | |
CAVR.Core.AVR_DevConsole | Class for the arc-vr developer's console. Functions as a singleton with only static members. Multiple independent consoles per scene/instance is not possible. |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_EditorUtility | |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_Hand.AVR_Finger | |
CAVR.Net.AVR_Net_ConsoleCommands | arc-vr-net console commands. |
CAVR.UEditor.Net.AVR_Net_MenuItems | |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Settings | Contains constan values, settings etc. which can all be set through *.avr files. Duplicate settings will be overwritten in alphabetical order of the filename. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_SettingsParser | Parser used to parse setting-files. |
▼CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook< Wiz > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< Wiz, Mod > | |
►CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< Wiz, Mod > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_ControllerVisual | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_InputManager | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRigWizard_Hook_AvatarModule | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRigWizard_Hook_SimpleAvatarModule | |
►CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_SimpleFilteredToggle< Wiz, Mod > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRigWizard_Hook_LeftController | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRigWizard_Hook_RightController | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Phys.AVR_BasicGrabProvider > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Phys.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_GrabProvider | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_LocomotionProvider > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Motion.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_LocomotionProvider | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_MovementProvider > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Motion.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_MovementProvider | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_TurnProvider > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Motion.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_TurnProvider | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Phys.AVR_Hand > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Phys.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_HandInteractor | |
▼CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.UI.AVR_UIInteractionProvider > | |
CAVR.UEditor.UI.AVR_ControllerWizard_Hook_UIInteractionProvider | |
▼CBaseInput | |
CAVR.UI.VRInput | This class overrides the base Input with Input from our VR components, thus enabling UI Interaction with a VR controller. The public attributes are automatically set by UIInteractionProvider. |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVRUI_ClickDragWheel.ClickDragWheelEntry | |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Logger.DataSource | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< Wiz, Mod >.DDChoice | |
▼CEditor | |
CAVR.UEditor.UI.AVR_FA_GlyphHelper_Editor | |
▼CEditor | |
►CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Behaviour_Editor | |
►CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Component_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Controller_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRig_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Motion.AVR_LocomotionProvider_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Net.AVR_PlayerRig_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Phys.AVR_BasicGrabProvider_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Phys.AVR_Grabbable_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.UI.AVR_UIInteractionProvider_Editor | |
CAVR.UEditor.Phys.AVR_GrabNode_Editor | |
▼CEditorWindow | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_ArcVRWindow | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_DevConsoleWindow | |
►CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_HookableWizard< T > | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_PlayerRig_ModuleWizard | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Settings_Editor | |
CAVR.Core.Utils.Geom | Geometry-centric utility functions. |
CAVR.Phys.GrabbableObjectSoundData | Defines a set of sounds and modifiers to be played during physics events for GrabbableObjectType's |
CAVR.Phys.GrabLocation | Represents an (attempted) grab at a given location of an object. |
▼CIPointerDownHandler | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.WindowHandle | Window-Handle that allows the attatched canvas to be click and dragged in world space by a UIInteractionProvider. |
▼CIPointerEnterHandler | |
CAVR.UI.AVR_Canvas | Represents a canvas for VR interaction purposes. Allows for interaction with the AVR_UIInteractionProvider. |
▼CIPointerExitHandler | |
CAVR.UI.AVR_Canvas | Represents a canvas for VR interaction purposes. Allows for interaction with the AVR_UIInteractionProvider. |
▼CIPointerUpHandler | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.WindowHandle | Window-Handle that allows the attatched canvas to be click and dragged in world space by a UIInteractionProvider. |
CAVR.Core.Utils.Misc | Misc. utility functions. |
▼CMonoBehaviour | |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_Behaviour | Monobehaviour but with an added URL button to a documentation page. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_BasicDevConsoleUI | A rudimentary UI version of the AVR_DevConsole. If you wish to implement a better one, take a look at AVR_DevConsoleMirror. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_Component | Base class for all arc-vr components. A component is typically a Monobehaviour that represents a virtual device, feature-provider or module. |
CAVR.Avatar.AVR_PoseAssumer | Applies a pose provided by an AVR_PosePorvider to a rigged 3d model with an avatar. |
CAVR.Avatar.AVR_PoseProvider | Estimates the pose of a player from the locations of VR controllers and HMD |
CAVR.Avatar.AVR_SimpleAvatar | Avatar component that doesn't require controllers. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_ControllerComponent | AVR_Component specifically attatched to an AVR_Controller. Needs to have an AVR_Controller on this gameObject or one of its parents. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_ControllerInputManager | Manages inputs of a controller such as button presses and track-pad inputs. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_ControllerVisual | Represents a visual of a controller, such as a 3d model or sprite. |
CAVR.Motion.AVR_LocomotionProvider | Provides locomotion-movement to a controller. |
CAVR.Motion.AVR_MovementProvider | Provides common teleportation/movement functionality to a controller |
CAVR.Motion.AVR_TurnProvider | Provides turning functionality to a controller. |
►CAVR.Phys.AVR_BasicGrabProvider | Simplest GrabProvider. Grabbed objects will move their center (obj.transform.position) towards the respective grabpoint. |
►CAVR.Phys.AVR_OffsetGrabProvider | Same as BasicGrabProvider but additionally allows grabbing objects at an offset. (Eg. you may grab a pan by its handle instead of just its center) Also allows the usage of an AVR_Hand. Use this if you require grabbing larger / more complex objects. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_AdvancedOffsetGrabProvider | Equivalent to AVR_OffsetGrabProvider, but additionally allows for hand-to-object grab mode to be used. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_Hand | Interactive hand model that adapts itself to grabbed objects. Only works with Offset- or AdvancedOffset- GrabProviders. |
CAVR.UI.AVR_UIInteractionProvider | NOTE: If your EventSystem object has a InputSystemUIInputModule (new Unity input system) then any settings you set on the UIInteractionProvider will have NO effect. You will have to set them through the new Unity Input system. Alternatively, simply use a regular StandaloneInputModule (you can ignore the red error message it display) instead of the InputSystemUIInputModule and make sure you have Project Settings > Player > Active Input Handling set to "Both". This class provides UI Interaction through a VR controller. Requires a AVR_UIRay to be set. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_GenericXRDevice | Represents some spatially tracked XR device. Provides functionality for spacial tracking. Can be used to represent hardware trackers, game controllers or other references. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Controller | Represents a VR controller. Provides functionality for spacial tracking and haptic feedback. Can also be used to represent hardware trackers, game controllers or other references. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_Ray | Base class for a ray. A ray is always cast in transform.forward direction of the object it is attatched to. Rays of this type do not collide with any objects and pass through everything. Use AVR_SolidRay if collisions are required. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_SolidRay | A more advanced type of AVR_Ray. The ray can be used to get the first object hit by it. To limit collidable objects by certain types, use AVR_SolidRay.passThrough_layerMask. |
CAVR.Motion.AVR_MovementRay | AVR_SolidRay but, when an object is hit, the hit is either valid or invalid. The validity of the hit is determined by AVR_MovementRay.filter. A different color-gradient and/or reticule is displayed depending on the validity of the ray. If no object is hit, the ray always defaults to invalid. |
CAVR.UI.AVR_UIRay | Represents a UI pointer-ray. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_SingletonComponent< T > | Combination of AVR_Component with a singleton. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_PlayerRig | Represents the players VR setup. Only one instance at a time is allowed. |
CAVR.Net.AVR_ThirdPersonCharacterController | Simple 3rd person character controller script. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_Grabbable | Represents a grabbable object. |
►CAVR.Phys.AVR_GrabbableFinder | Class to retrieve a Grabbable object from a location, volume or similar. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_GrabbableVolumeFinder | Retrieves an AVR_Grabbable from a given volume (convex collider). The object closest to the given GrabPoint takes priority. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_DevConsoleMirror | Mirrors the output of the DevConsole onto a Text component. To use, simply assign "DevConsoleOutput" to a Text Component that represents the output-terminal. Assign "DevConsoleInput" to an inputfield representing the user input. To submit a command, the user may use the keybinding specified as the /settings/core/devConsole/submitConsoleKey setting. |
►CAVR.Core.AVR_Effect | Represents a generic effect, such as fading a color on a camera. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_CameraFade | Will fade-in / fade-out the screen to a given color on command. NOTE: The color will only be faded for the main camera (Camera.main). If you want it to run for all cameras or different ones, inherit from this object and adjust the OnPostRenderCallback function. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Logger | Generic datalogger that logs any given variables or object properties in a csv-like format. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_TrialExperiment | Base class to inherit from in order to create trial-based experiments. (One experiment consists of one or more trials.) |
►CAVR.Core.Singleton< T > | Basic class for Singleton classes. Sets a single, static instance of the class to the "Instance" property. |
CAVR.Core.AVR_Root | Root object of the arc-vr-core library. Functions as a Singleton. |
CAVR.Net.AVR_PlayerSpawn | Used for convenient spawning of players with respective network prefabs. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_DebugHand | In-editor drawn hand for setting up GrabNodes. |
CAVR.Phys.AVR_GrabNode | Represents a grabbable node on an AVR_Grabbable. Nodes have preset poses/constraints for the hand that are applied when grabbed. |
CAVR.UI.AVR_Canvas | Represents a canvas for VR interaction purposes. Allows for interaction with the AVR_UIInteractionProvider. |
►CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link | Binds a given UI element (such as slider, toggle, dropdown or inputfield) with a given property or field of a given MonoBehaviour. One intended use case would be an ingame options-screen to set, for instance, the FOV of a camera. |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_Dropdown | |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_Inputfield | |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_Slider | |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_TMPDropdown | |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_TMPInputfield | |
CAVR.UI.Link.AVRUI_Link_Toggle | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVR_CircularLoadingBar | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVR_CircularLoadingBar_TMP | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVRUI_InputField_PlusMinus | Inputfield that the value of which can be increased/decreased by function call. The value of the inputfield ought to be numerical. |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVRUI_TMPInputField_PlusMinus | Inputfield that the value of which can be increased/decreased by function call. The value of the inputfield ought to be numerical. |
CAVR.UI.Utils.WindowHandle | Window-Handle that allows the attatched canvas to be click and dragged in world space by a UIInteractionProvider. |
CAVR.Net.AVR_BasicNetworkMenu | Lets you run the start_host, start_client and start_server commands through a very simple UI. |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVR_FA_GlyphHelper | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVRUI_ClickDragWheel | |
CAVR.UI.Utils.AVRUI_ClickDragWheelEntryPrefab | |
▼CNetworkTransform | |
CUnity.Netcode.Samples.ClientNetworkTransform | Used for syncing a transform with client side changes. This includes host. Pure server as owner isn't supported by this. Please use NetworkTransform for transforms that'll always be owned by the server. |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.PackageBuilder | |
CAVR.Core.Utils.Phys | Physics and raycast-centric utility functions. |
CPostBuild | |
▼CPropertyAttribute | |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.ConditionalHideInInspector | Allows for simple hiding of properties in the UnityEditor depending on certain conditions. For instance, in the following example the "type" field will only be displayed in the inspector if the "tracking" field is set to true: |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.FoldoutGroup | Assigns given attributes to a foldout group in the inspector. The way these are drawn is determined by FoldoutPropertyDrawer |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.ReadOnly | Makes a field read-only in the inspector |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.ShowInNetPrompt | Makes a property of an object only show in the Network-behaviour window. Also works for private/protected attributes. |
▼CPropertyDrawer | |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.DrawIfPropertyDrawer | |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.FoldoutPropertyDrawer | |
CAVR.Core.Attributes.ReadOnlyDrawer | |
▼CScriptableObject | |
CAVR.Avatar.AVR_PoseNaturalizationFilter | A PoseNaturalizationFilter "naturalizes" a pose. For instance, when a player places the controllers on the ground or to the side, the resulting pose will look bizarre and unnatural. These filters will turn the resulting pose into one that seems more natural |
CAVR.Motion.AVR_MovementRestrictor | When using a MovementProvider, this scriptable object allows you to set rules for which surfaces qualify as valid teleport locations and which dont. |
CAVR.Phys.GrabbableObjectType | Defines how an object behaves whilst grabbed. |
▼CScriptableWizard | |
CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_Component_EventsWizard | |
CAVR.Core.SettingsTreeNode | Class representing a node from a settings-tree returned by AVR_Settings.build_tree() |