VR Development Framework
v 1.0.0
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CAVR.Core.Attributes.ConsoleCommandThis attribute can be used to easily make a function into a command runnable through the AVR_DevConsole. This can only be used on static void-functions where the parameters are eithe none, a single string or an array of strings. Usage examples:
 CAVR.Core.Attributes.DocumentationUrlSets the documentation html file inside of Packages/com.avr.core/Documentation/html of a given class. When the user clicks on the documentation button in the inspector the respective page will be opened. Example:
 CAVR.Core.AVR_DevConsole.AVR_ConsoleCommandRepresents a command for the AVR_Devconsole
 CAVR.Core.AVR_Core_ConsoleCommandsDeclares a set of base DevConsole commands.
 CAVR.Core.AVR_DevConsoleClass for the arc-vr developer's console. Functions as a singleton with only static members. Multiple independent consoles per scene/instance is not possible.
 CAVR.Net.AVR_Net_ConsoleCommandsarc-vr-net console commands.
 CAVR.Core.AVR_SettingsContains constan values, settings etc. which can all be set through *.avr files. Duplicate settings will be overwritten in alphabetical order of the filename.
 CAVR.Core.AVR_SettingsParserParser used to parse setting-files.
 CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook< Wiz >
 CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< Wiz, Mod >
 CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< Wiz, Mod >
 CAVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Phys.AVR_BasicGrabProvider >
 CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_LocomotionProvider >
 CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_MovementProvider >
 CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Motion.AVR_TurnProvider >
 CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.Phys.AVR_Hand >
 CAVR_WizardHook_SimpleToggle< AVR_Controller_ModuleWizard, AVR.UI.AVR_UIInteractionProvider >
 CAVR.UI.VRInputThis class overrides the base Input with Input from our VR components, thus enabling UI Interaction with a VR controller. The public attributes are automatically set by UIInteractionProvider.
 CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_WizardHook_DropdownChoiceToggle< Wiz, Mod >.DDChoice
 CAVR.UEditor.Core.AVR_HookableWizard< T >
 CAVR.Core.Utils.GeomGeometry-centric utility functions.
 CAVR.Phys.GrabbableObjectSoundDataDefines a set of sounds and modifiers to be played during physics events for GrabbableObjectType's
 CAVR.Phys.GrabLocationRepresents an (attempted) grab at a given location of an object.
 CAVR.UI.Utils.WindowHandleWindow-Handle that allows the attatched canvas to be click and dragged in world space by a UIInteractionProvider.
 CAVR.UI.AVR_CanvasRepresents a canvas for VR interaction purposes. Allows for interaction with the AVR_UIInteractionProvider.
 CAVR.UI.AVR_CanvasRepresents a canvas for VR interaction purposes. Allows for interaction with the AVR_UIInteractionProvider.
 CAVR.UI.Utils.WindowHandleWindow-Handle that allows the attatched canvas to be click and dragged in world space by a UIInteractionProvider.
 CAVR.Core.Utils.MiscMisc. utility functions.
 CAVR.Core.AVR_BehaviourMonobehaviour but with an added URL button to a documentation page.
 CAVR.Net.AVR_BasicNetworkMenuLets you run the start_host, start_client and start_server commands through a very simple UI.
 CUnity.Netcode.Samples.ClientNetworkTransformUsed for syncing a transform with client side changes. This includes host. Pure server as owner isn't supported by this. Please use NetworkTransform for transforms that'll always be owned by the server.
 CAVR.Core.Utils.PhysPhysics and raycast-centric utility functions.
 CAVR.Core.Attributes.ConditionalHideInInspectorAllows for simple hiding of properties in the UnityEditor depending on certain conditions. For instance, in the following example the "type" field will only be displayed in the inspector if the "tracking" field is set to true:
 CAVR.Core.Attributes.FoldoutGroupAssigns given attributes to a foldout group in the inspector. The way these are drawn is determined by FoldoutPropertyDrawer
 CAVR.Core.Attributes.ReadOnlyMakes a field read-only in the inspector
 CAVR.Core.Attributes.ShowInNetPromptMakes a property of an object only show in the Network-behaviour window. Also works for private/protected attributes.
 CAVR.Avatar.AVR_PoseNaturalizationFilterA PoseNaturalizationFilter "naturalizes" a pose. For instance, when a player places the controllers on the ground or to the side, the resulting pose will look bizarre and unnatural. These filters will turn the resulting pose into one that seems more natural
 CAVR.Motion.AVR_MovementRestrictorWhen using a MovementProvider, this scriptable object allows you to set rules for which surfaces qualify as valid teleport locations and which dont.
 CAVR.Phys.GrabbableObjectTypeDefines how an object behaves whilst grabbed.
 CAVR.Core.SettingsTreeNodeClass representing a node from a settings-tree returned by AVR_Settings.build_tree()